Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators
Guidelines for Constructive Feedback
- "Don't blame people for negative outcomes.
- Don't compare people.
- Focus on behaviors, not personal characteristics.
- Attribute good performance to internal causes.
- Recognize when a team should be praised.
- Be specific about ways to improve performance.
- Allow a controlled expression of feelings.
- Increase goal clarity.
- Challenge the recipient to do better.
How to Talk Back to the Voice of Doubt in Your Head
- Identify past successes that paved the way to your current position.
- Think about challenges you faced along the way to those successes.
- List the specific skills and talents that allowed you to overcome past challenges.
Why Focus on Your Leadership Story
Leadership is a Gift and a Journey
“Leadership is a gift – a gift that requires you to set a direction; motivate, inspire, and develop others; and deliver results that matter. It is also a journey. It is about your experiences and the influence you have onothers. Leadership is certainly about the work that gets done, but it is much more about how the work gets done and the relationships along the way.
Seventeen Management Principles
- Clarity is Essential
- Competence is Critical
- Identify Your Constraints
- Unlock Your Creativity
- Concentrate Single-Mindedly
- Have the Courage of Your Convictions
- Develop Your Character
- Plan Every Detail in Advance
- Organize Your Work Before You Begin
- Staff Properly at Every Level
- Delegate Effectively
- Inspect What You Expect
- Keep the Boss Informed
- Focus on High Productivity
Twelve Core Management Competencies
- Maintaining and raising quality
- Developing and improving systems
- Coaching employee performance
- Communicating across the organization
- Collaborating across the organization
- Resolving conflicts
- Building employee motivation
- Leading with emotional intelligence
- Building teams and team performance
- Managing change
- Managing your time and priorities
- Working with ethics and integrity (p. 6)
Five Characteristics of Exceptional Coaches
1. Self-awareness
2. Ability to trust
3. Ability to use imagery
4. Ability to identify blocks when they occur
5. Recognizing the importance of adversity (p. 7)
What additional characteristics of Exceptional Coaches can you add to this list?
What was the best advice you have received from a coach?
HA-HA! to AHA!
“Our workplaces are full of human “doings,” not human “ beings.” So says Mitch Ditkoff, the man who spends his days trying to humanize corporate work environments.
“Most people tamp down their real selves when they go to work. However, if you want to bring your ‘A’ game you have to bring your real self to work each day. That’s the only way the best of your natural creativity will emerge.”
Human beings are thoughtful, inspiring, compassionate and creative, so why don’t we bring this into the workplace?