
Inspire Others to Live Their Purpose

Tue, 01/08/2019 - 10:09am -- Beth Flynn

"As a leader, you want to share the organizational purpose with the purpose of inspiring others to join the mission and be on a mission. You want to let everyone know why your organization exists and why their work matters. Many think they have to work at a homeless shelter or go to Africa to make a difference. They think they have to find meaning and purpose outside their work. And while it's wonderful if they want to volunteer for a charity or feel called to go on a mission trip, as a leader you want to remind your team that you don't have to go on a mission trip to be on a mission.

The Value of Persistence

Mon, 08/22/2016 - 10:35am -- Beth Flynn

"Being persistent means that when things get in the way, as they will, you will find a way of overcoming them.  If people knock you down, as they will, you are able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and return to your path.  It also means that when doubts creep into your mind, as they will, you are able to listen to their message without being distracted from your purpose.

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