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"Leaders of organizations must be willing to create team-friendly environments for teams to function effectively. This means that they must do the following:
- Identify the kinds of work activities for which teamwork is likely to prove essential to accomplish the task.
- Use the structure of the organization to reinforce team membership in accomplishing the organization's goals.
- Select team members on the basis of clear criteria for team membership.
- Train managers and team members on the dynamics of effective teams and team leadership.
- Reward team members for team performance.
- Set aside time for teams to be involved in regular team-building activities.
- Help teams develop a competency at team building.
- Use appropriate technologies, particularly in the case of virtual teams, to communicate, solve problems, and make decisions.
- Periodically review team performance, even if there are no apparent problems.
- Provide support to help managers and team leaders improve team performance (p. 270-272)."
Tags: teams, leaders, leadership, management, supervision, workplace, team building, team performance, team members, teamwork
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"Being persistent means that when things get in the way, as they will, you will find a way of overcoming them. If people knock you down, as they will, you are able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and return to your path. It also means that when doubts creep into your mind, as they will, you are able to listen to their message without being distracted from your purpose.
At its best, persistence allows you to remain open to new ideas because you want to keep learning. If you are persistent, you will seek opportunities to bring people towards your purpose, even if that means modifying your route or some of the details along the way. You hold true to your purpose (p. 260)."
Think of a time when you were persistent. What outcomes did you have?
From: Gautrey, C. (2014). Influential leadership: a leader's guide to getting things done. London: Kogan Page.
Tags: persistence, management, supervision, lead, leads, leaders, Leader, leadership, obstacles, purpose
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- "Avoid sweeping statements. Words such as 'always' and 'never' only make people angry, and defensive.
- Focus on major responsibilities and performance standards.
- Ask recipients to identify causes of performance problems.
- Provide feedback frequently.
- Discuss behaviors or results, not the person.
- Specify what needs to be done.
- Use both positive and negative feedback.
- Coach rather than judge.
- Fit feedback to the individual (p. 126)."
What other hints for giving feedback do you have?
From: London, M. (2014). The power of feedback. New York: Routledge Publishers
Tags: leaders, leadership, management, supervision, feedback, evaluation, lead, coach, coaching, performance, employees
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"As a leader, you will likely be required to compromise on some issues. You will have to take a stand or have a position about various subjects. You should have a clear understanding of those things on which you are unwilling to compromise. That is a natural part of leadership. And it is your job as a leader to build the best culture you can - one that is productive, collaborative, flexible, and fair, and delivers results that matter.
As part of this, you may find a few areas in which you are unwilling to compromise. These usually center on your core values. The likelihood is that you can act out of your core values in a variety of ways without having to compromise them (p. 32)."
From: Tobin, T. (2015). Your leadership story: use your story to engergize, inspire and motivate. Oakland, CA: BerrettKoehler Publishers.
What are some of the areas (core values) that you will are unwillling to compromise?
Tags: Values, core values, leaders, leadership, manager, supervisor, professional development, culture
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