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By: Beth Flynn, Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

"If you want to change your life, reduce your stress, and make your business lucrative and fun, first you're going to have to sort out -your people problems.

Attracting and retaining stars is clearly lucrative for a company, but it is also so much more. Stars don't need to be motivated. They need to be coached, trained, career counseled, encouraged, and sometimes corrected or even disciplined, but never motivated. They're self-motivated. They make fewer mistakes, have better relationships with customers, and are never at the center of internal drama. Because you and others trust them, everything moves faster. They aren't involved in efficiency-killing turf wars. They don't need someone to double-check their work or repair their relationship problems.

Finding people that you both trust and love is not just about generating warm feelings, either. These people show up on the bottom line of your income statement (p. 31-31)."

From: Throness, T. (2017). The power of people skills: how to eliminate 90% of your hr problems and dramatically increase team and company morale and performance. Wayne, NJ: Career Press.

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By: Beth Flynn, Tuesday, August 18th, 2020
  1. "I will talk to you before I ever talk about you.
  2. I will engage in candid conversations with humility, knowing I have room to grow.
  3. We will seek objective input if we come to an impasse.
  4. I recognize that the objective of the conversation is to seek understanding, resolve issues, and move toward unity
  5. I will forgive quickly (p. 226-234)."

From: Ross, R. (2019). Relationomics: business powered by relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books

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By: Beth Flynn, Tuesday, August 11th, 2020
  • "Trust each other unconditionally
  • Assume positive intent, and it they can't get there alone, they ask
  • Talk to each other, not about each other
  • Care about each other's success as they do their own
  • Put the team's agenda ahead of their own
  • Push each other to do their best work
  • Discuss the toughest issues in the room and leave aligned
  • Give each other feedback, even when it's hard (p. 55)."

From: Adams, L.; Curnow-Chavez, A.; Epstein, A. & Teasdale, R. (2017). The loyalist team: how trust, candor, and authenticity create great organizations. New York: Hachette Book Group.

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By: Beth Flynn, Tuesday, August 04th, 2020

"Business is also about relationships. Relationships, through which those who have a need are linked with those who can supply, is an exchange of value that benefits both parties. In fact, relationships are the very foundation of business. And healthy relationships are always at the center of thriving businesses. I would go so far as to say that good business is never simply about making money. It's really about building relationships and making a difference in people's lives. The better you build relationships and the more value you create for others in those relationships, the more money you will make. The more your business will flourish.

On a personal level, if you want to be your best self, you need someone else speaking into your world through relationship. For an athlete to fulfill her potential, she needs a relationship with a coach. For a student to maximize learning, he must have a relationship with a teacher or tutor. If you want to grow in your professional life, you'd best engage with a mentor. For us to move toward maturity, we need deep healthy relationships with family and friends. We all need others to speak truth into our world. We may very well be the best person in the room, but we won't be our best self if we don't have others who are encouraging, challenging, and sharpening us (p. 48-49)."

From: Ross, R. (2019). Relationomics: business powered by relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

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