Leadership is a Gift and a Journey
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“Leadership is a gift – a gift that requires you to set a direction; motivate, inspire, and develop others; and deliver results that matter. It is also a journey. It is about your experiences and the influence you have onothers. Leadership is certainly about the work that gets done, but it is much more about how the work gets done and the relationships along the way.
A great story can motivate and inspire others. It can impart a message. Think about how your leadership story imparts a message. Think about how your leadership story imparts a message, inspires, or motivates. Remember, your leadership story lives in the hearts and minds of others, and you are constantly onstage as a leader. Sometimes you can rehearse or plan ahead. Other times, improvisation is needed. Those around you will have expectations, assumptions, interpretations, and perceptions that impact your story. For you to be at your best, others’ perceptions of you must be aligned with your story (p.129).”
From: Tobin, T. (2015). Your leadership story: use your story to energize, inspire and motivate. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
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