The Maverick Principle

By:Beth Flynn, Monday, June 09th, 2014

“Our natural instinct when someone questions what we’re doing is to defend our position.  When someone appears to completely ignore rules we get even more irate.  But in doing so we miss the point: why is this person being challenging?

Definition of Maverick: One who refuses to abide by the dictates of his group: a dissenter!  So says the Readers Digest so it must be true.  But Mavericks should not be classed as trouble makers but rather as a valuable asset that can help your business become more robust and exciting. 

·         How do you handle mavericks?

·         What are some ways that we can find out why she/he is being challenging?

·         How can we value these dissenters to help our organizations be more robust?


Source:Smithson, D. (2014). What managers don’t know: how to be a better manager, leader, and entrepreneur?

Mon, 06/09/2014 - 8:36pm -- Beth Flynn

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