Believe the Possibility

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By:Beth Flynn, Tuesday, January 08th, 2019

"There's an old saying: 'History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.' That's especially true when we're thinking of our personal histories. Why? The circumstances of our lives change week by week, year by year. But we're still standing. And our habits of thinking tend to produce consistent results no matter what's going on in our work, relationships, or the world around us.

If our habits of thinking are beneficial, we tend to experience positive results, such as happiness, personal satisfaction, even material success. If our habits of thinking are counterproductive, however, we often experience the opposite: unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and the nagging feeling that the deck is somehow stacked against us.

The good news is that you can change the rhyme scheme. Even if your habits of thinking are already serving you well, you can experience transformative personal improvement in all areas of your life by upgrading your beliefs. When we focus on belief improvement, often our circumstances follow suit (p. 38-39)."

From: Hyatt, M. (2018). Your best year ever: a 5-step plan for achieving your most important goals. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Tue, 01/08/2019 - 10:06am -- Beth Flynn

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