The Yelp Effect

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By:Beth Flynn, Tuesday, April 16th, 2019

"In the days of Glassdoor, Twitter, and other fast-moving social media, reputations build quickly and can be hard to change. We've seen seemingly minor missteps torpedo careers. It's a lot easier to avoid these behaviors than having to clean up your reputation after. Among the top missteps to avoid:

  • Being rude to receptionists, administrative assistants, and other people of perceived lower status. They will go out of their way to tell all their friends that you're someone to avoid.
  • Acting like a sycophant toward those in power. Confident leaders treat a CEO and a janitor with equal respect and graciousness.
  • Being disrespectful or annoying others in small but habitual ways.
  • Blowing up or losing your temper in front of people - especially those who you see rarely. Virtual teams and long-distance relationships are tough; every interaction is interpreted in the most paranoid light. Fraught interactions linger.
  • Ignoring or patronizing a colleague's spouse or children at an event.
  • Poor judgement in social media. Assume that anything you ever email, tweet, or put anywhere in social media will be seen by potential employers (p. 246-248)."


What other misteps can you think of that contribute to a bad reputation?

From: Botelho, E. L; & Powell, K.R. (2018). The ceo next door: the four behaviors that transform ordinary people into world-class leaders. New York: Currency.

Tue, 04/16/2019 - 5:15am -- Beth Flynn

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