10 Principles of Twenty-First Century Leadership

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By:Beth Flynn, Tuesday, May 05th, 2020
  1. "Everybody can lead, because anyone can serve.
  2. The most valuable resource of any enterprise is its people.
  3. We are in transition from a transaction-based world to a relationship-based world.
  4. Leadership is a relationship between empowered, consenting adults.
  5. Leadership is a dynamic relationship.
  6. There is no universal leadership style.
  7. Leadership roles are converging.
  8. A leader's unique task is to imagine and advance a vision.
  9. Love is the highest level of leadership relationship.
  10. Character is a competitive advantage (p.67-68)."

From:  Strock, J. (2019).  Serve to lead 2.0: 21st century leaders manual.  Serve to Lead Grouphttps://servetolead.org​​​​​​​

Posted In:
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 10:50am -- Beth Flynn

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