Cultivating Identification Through Presence

By:Beth Flynn, Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

"Cultivating identification with others at work in ways that will fuel empathy and compassion requires being available, both physically and psychologically. Availability becomes real in organizations through simple gestures such as keeping one's door open, arriving early for a meeting, holding online office hours for distributed teams, or lingering in a kitchen or break room to be around others. Any of these small acts to make ourselves accessible opens the space for connection and mutual engagement that is a powerful form of care.

Leaders who convey psychological presence with others in the organization are often described as great leaders who can command loyalty and commitment. And in the hyperconnected technological world of work, physical and psychological presence becomes a deeply meaningful gesture. Turning off the cell phone to be with someone is a move toward identification and empathy. Opening the door to another person's experience and shutting off the email is another (p. 127-128)."

What are some ways that you show that you are physically and psychologically available?


From: Worline, M.C., & Dutton, J.E. (2017). Awakening compassion at work. Oakland CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

Posted In:
Tags: identity, leaders, leadership
Tue, 05/14/2019 - 5:15am -- Beth Flynn

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