You're in the People Business

By:Beth Flynn, Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

"If you want to change your life, reduce your stress, and make your business lucrative and fun, first you're going to have to sort out -your people problems.

Attracting and retaining stars is clearly lucrative for a company, but it is also so much more. Stars don't need to be motivated. They need to be coached, trained, career counseled, encouraged, and sometimes corrected or even disciplined, but never motivated. They're self-motivated. They make fewer mistakes, have better relationships with customers, and are never at the center of internal drama. Because you and others trust them, everything moves faster. They aren't involved in efficiency-killing turf wars. They don't need someone to double-check their work or repair their relationship problems.

Finding people that you both trust and love is not just about generating warm feelings, either. These people show up on the bottom line of your income statement (p. 31-31)."

From: Throness, T. (2017). The power of people skills: how to eliminate 90% of your hr problems and dramatically increase team and company morale and performance. Wayne, NJ: Career Press.

Posted In:
Tue, 08/25/2020 - 7:20am -- Beth Flynn

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