Lead or Compete
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"Leadership is an interesting quality. This crazy world can make it seem like you've got to be bossy to be a boss. The notion of having everyone watching you is a cue to your leadership, but so is the idea that you are looking at everyone else.
Real leaders are aware of what is going on in their teams and in their families, and what they can do to make systems and organizations better. True leaders are in the category of their own because they are more concerned with helping others than making themselves look good. All too often people strive to do the right thing in order to be recognized for their accomplishments. If we are comparing ourselves to others, we are really getting distracted. We have an epidemic of insecurity in our world today. We don't know why certain people are chosen to work on certain projects or be promoted in different ways. It is something we have zero control over. If we take the energy we might have wasted trying to figure out why things happen and, instead, use it to work on ourselves and help others, we'll be too occupied with making the world better to ever worry about what he next person is doing. Looking at our life or work as a competition, breeds insecurity that focuses on winning at any cost. When we are kind, we realize we've already won (p.99-100)."
From: Bankert, A. (2020). Your hidden superpower: the kindness that makes you unbeatable at work and connects you with anyone. Nashville: Harper Collins Leadership.
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