Tips for Becoming More Self-Aware and Coachable Lead or Compete
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By:Beth Flynn, Tuesday, October 20th, 2020
- "Know that getting better starts on the inside. It's not 'them,' it's you.
- Ask for feedback (and really listen).
- Don't shoot the messenger. Have a 'beginners' mind-set.
- Keep an accountability journal.
- Seize every opportunity to develop yourself.
- Hire people that are smarter than you.
- Get a mentor, be a mentor (or do both).
- Don't be afraid to change your mind.
- There is no finish line in learning (p. 47-50)."
From: Studer,Q. (2020). The busy leader's handbook: how to lead people and places that thrive. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
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