People-Focused Leadership

By:Beth Flynn, Wednesday, September 28th, 2016
"In today's collaborative teams, it's not always the manager taking on the leadership role; sometimes it's another team member.  The key is that leadership, regardless of who is doing it, is shifting more toward focusing on people than process.
In an environment where everyone can take on the leadership role, leaders don't dangle carrots and prod with sticks.  Leaders don't delegate.  Leaders don't get involved in assigning work or choosing people for teams.  The role is not so much to evaluate, rate, rank, review, differentiate, and recommend for promotion.  Rather, the leadership job is to coach, chart the path, clear the path, and help people have awesome experiences in the process.  It involves a lot of communicating, a lot of emphasis on goals, being clear on priorities, erring to 'yes,' and attention to the people side of things.  It means taking personal responsibility for continually advancing your people skills (p. 36)." 
What advice can you give about how leaders can focus on people, not just processes?
From: Hurwitz, M. & Hurwitz, S. (2015).  Leadership is half the story: a fresh look at followership, leadership, and collaboration.  Guelph, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.
Wed, 09/28/2016 - 11:55am -- Beth Flynn

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