In today's world we are continually representing ourselves in digital format. Have you ever stopped to take a look at how you come across to those around you? Are you consistent across platforms? Hootsuite reports that there are 3.48 billion people on social media and 4.388 billion users of the internet worldwide. This is a vast network that should not be ignored.
Through personal branding, one is able to truly connect with others that share a similar interest. This is a relationship building, sales boosting, organic marketing, recruitment tool vital for modern individuals and companies.
In this workshop we will be exploring the idea of personal branding and what it can mean to you professionally. We will also look at ways to help those around you show their true authentic selves online.
How will you stand out?
Participants in this workshop will:
- Identify best strategies for personal branding
- Develop personal branding plans that can be implemented immediately
Emily Buck, Ph.D. is facilitating this workshop