Leadership Compass

“If knowing yourself and being yourself were as easy to do as to talk about, there wouldn't be nearly so many people walking around in borrowed postures, spouting secondhand ideas, trying desperately to fit in rather than to stand out.” - Warren G. Bennis

How well do you know yourself, what defines you as a leader? Knowing yourself is essential to being a good leader. When you understand who you are; your talents, beliefs, and skills, you are better prepared to not only lead yourself, but others too. When individuals know their qualities, they become a stronger team member, as they know exactly what and how they can contribute to team success.

The Leadership Compass draws from the Native American Indian tradition of the Medicine Wheel or the Four-Fold Way. In the Four-Fold Way, the four directions are described as warrior (north), healer (south), teacher (west), and visionary (east). All directions have profound strengths and potential weaknesses, and every person is seen as capable of growing in each direction. Each person can learn the gifts associated with each direction -- through practice and self-awareness.

Through a self-assessment and interactivities, individuals and teams will:

• Developing a deeper sense of self-awareness about one’s leadership style and approach

• Developing a more balanced approach to work style; seeking out areas of growth or change

• Developing an understanding of how one's work style affects team functioning

• Deliberately building skills in all four directions to enhance personal and team performance

Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop.

Please note, if you are unable to attend you may send someone else in your place. Cancellations made prior to the day of the workshop will be refunded minus a $5 cancellation fee. No refunds will be made for no-shows/cancellations the day of the workshop.

Certificates of participation are available for individuals seeking professional development hours.  If you have any questions, please call the OSU Leadership Center at 614-292-3114, or email Beth Flynn flynn.61@osu.edu


Dec 12, 2019, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Thursday, December 5, 2019
$95 ($75 for OSU employees)
Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Building 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, OH 43210
Sarah Chain